Sunday, January 10, 2010

Holiday Gifts 2009

I gave several hand knit gifts to those I love this Christmas.

I knitted my best friend a dolphin to add to her collection. I started this in June and then sewed it all together in December. I used Tahki Cotton Classic yarn for the project.

I received the Knit Picks Palette Ornaments set for my birthday in October. I knitted my dear friend Jan and mentor Pam two of the ornaments. I also knitted three of the candies for our tree. Unfortunately, I used size 3 needles for the project instead of the recommended size 2 in the pattern. The mitten turned out perfectly (I actually used some leftover palette from my palette cardigan set instead of the colors in the kit for it) but the sweater and candy definitely should be in a size 2. I will remake the candies with the smaller needle. I also broke my beautiful rosewood needles that I splurged on during the Stitches 2008 conference during the ornament making which really made me sad.

My final knitted gift was Ysolda's Hedgehog for my close friend Christie's darling little boy, Jackson. I also got a couple books about a hedgehog for him. I am going to have to knit him a sweater this summer for the autumn. Given his birthday falls so close to Christmas, I need to keep the tradition of making sweaters for my favorite children, but I had just way too much else to do. I did make him a Pea Pod Sweater for his birth.

I knitted the hedgehog using Knit Picks City Tweed HW. It was a bit expensive so I asked for only a few balls for my birthday. But I loved it immediately and when I tried to order more the hedgehog colors were sold out.

I used these two tutorials to make the french knot eyes. The first one is really nice because it is knitting specific instead of sewing:
The second one is from the blog from the Purl store in NY and if you love crafting you should be reading their blog:

In addition, I finished Andrew's Aran Sweater but that will need a post of it's own. I received the yarn as a gift for Christmas 2008. It took me a year to complete but probably only 3 or 4 months of solid knitting.

My current project is Pam's birthday gift for the end of January. Then, I will begin knitting a beautiful Debbie Bliss baby pattern for my sorority sister, Kennita. I am really looking forward to knitting something girlie for her new baby. She is one of those special people who really appreciate the time and efforts for hand knitting so I am extra specially excited for this project.

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